Requiem for a Hellcat
Requiem for a Hellcat explores directionals and time (and the liminal spaces between them). A crossroads of sorts, where Western and Eastern religious symbolism and ideals merge and become one and the same.
There is no ‘OTHER’ on the other side. This piece imbues the energetic imprint at the epicentre of the crossroads, transformation energy. The compass, the clock, the crucifix, aum swasti.
Cat bones mounted and framed in natural timber. 840L 840H 85W
Requiem for a Hellcat explores directionals and time (and the liminal spaces between them). A crossroads of sorts, where Western and Eastern religious symbolism and ideals merge and become one and the same.
There is no ‘OTHER’ on the other side. This piece imbues the energetic imprint at the epicentre of the crossroads, transformation energy. The compass, the clock, the crucifix, aum swasti.
Cat bones mounted and framed in natural timber. 840L 840H 85W
Requiem for a Hellcat explores directionals and time (and the liminal spaces between them). A crossroads of sorts, where Western and Eastern religious symbolism and ideals merge and become one and the same.
There is no ‘OTHER’ on the other side. This piece imbues the energetic imprint at the epicentre of the crossroads, transformation energy. The compass, the clock, the crucifix, aum swasti.
Cat bones mounted and framed in natural timber. 840L 840H 85W