About the artist…

My connection to death is near impossible to articulate in words. It is an ever-evolving journey that has spanned my entire life, and will continue long after my own death.

These pieces of art are a way in which I am able to experience this connection in the physical and honour an individual’s death by leaning into the processes that occur once we die. As such, they play with the western idea that death is something that should be hidden or shied away from. Through my art, I express the reverence I have for death, and honour it’s sacredness in the rawest form. piece of art. Gaining some insight into how they may have lived, and how they died. Watching natural decomposition and processing a body from start to finish has been a deeply profound and psychedelic experience for me, which has proven potent medicine on my journey as a death walker and for my growth as a connected, grounded human being in general.

Each time I collect and tend to an animal I experience this connection deepen, and unravel more into the realm of after death/before birth.

I hope that my art catalyses something inside the viewer, whether that be a deeper understanding of death or a questioning of why these sigils invoke a particular response. May these pieces spark many beautiful conversations.

From my heart to yours,



(+61) 0418 861 224